Additional Guidelines for Readers of English Language Learners

Many of the students who participate in Reader/Writer are either immigrants, refugees and/or in special education programs.  Here is some information to support you as you comment upon and edit their writings:


1.  Even with limited English or expressive abilities, all students have something to say.  These are interesting, most often charming and smart kids.  You will help them greatly by being their Reader, thus giving them a reason to practice expressing themselves in written form.  Repetition is key.


2.  Your student(s) will improve their skills and fluency.  Indeed, your immigrant and/or special ed. student may very well show more growth than “regular ed.” kids this year in writing, at least due in part to your consistent and thoughtful attention.


3.  When editing, repeatedly focus on 1-3 simple skills that the student needs to work on.  For example, put periods in and capitalize ‘I’s.  Keep it simple.  Keep it consistent.


4.  When commenting, know this is the most powerful tool you have.  Ask questions; show interest for what they say.  If you can’t understand what is written, let her/him know that too.